Translated from the Sanskrit by Edward Conze
Om namo Bhagavatyai Arya-Prajnaparamitayai! Homage to the Perfection of Wisdom, the Lovely, the Holy! Evam maya srutam ekasmin samaye. Bhagavan Sravastyam viharati sma Jetavane’nathapindadasya-arame mahata bhiksu-samghena sarddham ardhatrayodasabhir bhiksu-sataih sambahulais ca bodhisattvair mahasattvaih. Atha khalu Bhagavan purvahnakala-samaye nivasya patracivaram adaya Sravastim maha-nagarim pindaya praviksat. Atha khalu Bhagavan Sravastim maha-nagarim pindaya caritva krta-bhakta-krtyah pascadbhaktapindapata-pratikrantah patra-civaram pratisamya padau praksalya nyasidat prajnapta evaasane paryankam abhujya rjum kayam pranidhaya, pratimukhim smrtim upasthapya. Atha khalu sambahula bhiksavo yena Bhagavams tenopasamkraman upasamkramya Bhagavatah padau sirobhir abhivandya Bhagavantam trispradaksinikrtyaikante nyasidan.
Thus have I heard at one time. The Lord dwelt at Sravasti, in the Jeta Grove, in the garden of Anathapindika, together with a large gathering of monks, consisting of 1,250 monks, and with many Bodhisattvas, great beings. Early in the morning the Lord dressed, put on his cloak, took his bowl, and entered the great city of Sravasti to collect alms. When he had eaten and returned from his round, the Lord put away his bowl and cloak, washed his feet, and sat down on the seat arranged for him, crossing his legs, holding his body upright, and mindfully fixing his attention in front of him. Then many monks approached to where the Lord was, saluted his feet with their heads, thrice walked round him to the right, and sat down on one side.
Read more:
The Diamond Sutra In Sanskrit And English (Edward Conze)
The Diamond Sutra (translated by A.F.Price and Wong Mou-Lam)
The Diamond Sutra (translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society of the Sino-American Buddhist Association)
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Kinh Kim Cang (Thích Duy Lực)
Kinh Kim Cang (Thích Trí Tịnh)
Kinh Kim Cang (Thích Nhất Hạnh)
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